Our paper “Fairness Evaluation with Item Response Theory” was accepted at WWW 2025. Congrats Ziqi!
Eirini attended the DLD conference in Munich, Europe’s leading innovation conference, with this year’s moto “Future Positive”.
Kicking-off WT25 with the AI module AI module.
Manolis attended ICAIF 2024 in New York, USA presenting his recent work on counterfactual explanations for mixed tabular data.
Eirini, Arjun and Swati participated in the MAMMoth plenary meeting in Vienna, Austria and the workshop on “Fostering a fair algorithmic environment - Presenting the MAMMOth AI bias solutions”.
Our paper “TABCF - Counterfactual Explanations for Tabular Data Using a Transformer-Based VAE” was accepted at ICAIF 2024. Congrats Manolis.
Eirini, Arjun, Manolis and Siamak participated in ECML PKDD in Vilnius, Lithuania. See relevant post.
Eirini is co-organizing the 1st Workshop on Responsible AI co-located with SETN 2024 in Piraeus, Greece.
Our paper “Transparent Neighborhood Approximation for Text Classifier Explanation by Probability-based Editing” was accepted at DSAA 2024. Congrats Yi.
Eirini (together with Evaggelia Pitoura, Panayiotis Tsaparas and Kostas Stefanidis) gave an advanced course on “Fairness and Explainability - Models, Measurements and Mitigation Techniques” at ESSAI 2024 in Athens.
Our paper “Synthetic Tabular Data Generation for Class Imbalance and Fairness - A Comparative Study” has been accepted at BIAS@ECMLPKDD 2024. Congrats Manolis and Arjun!
Our paper “Adversarial Robustness of VAEs across Intersectional Subgroups” has been accepted at BIAS@ECMLPKDD 2024. Congrats Chethan and Arjun!
Swati is attending EWAF 2024 in Mainz and will present her work “Exploring Fusion Techniques in Multimodal AI-Based Recruitment - Insights from FairCVdb”.
Our paper “Exploring Fusion Techniques in Multimodal AI-Based Recruitment - Insights from FairCVdb” has been accepted at EWAF 2024. Congrats Swati!
Siamak attended PAKDD and presented his work “Towards Cohesion-Fairness Harmony - Contrastive Regularization in Individual Fair Graph Clustering”. Check the github page.
The report of the Dagstuhl seminar Network Attack Detection and Defense – AI-Powered Threats and Responses, in which Eirini and Chethan participated, is now online.
Eirini took part in the “AI vs Human” panel at the versusfestival in the Silvretta Alps, Austria.
Eirini and Arjun participated in the AI Fairness Cluster Inaugural Conference & Workshop on AI Bias and presented our work on multi-dimensional discrimination.
Eirini participated in the kick-off meeting of the DFG scientific network “Digital Bioethics” in Hannover and gave a talk on responsible AI.
Our paper “Towards Cohesion-Fairness Harmony - Contrastive Regularization in Individual Fair Graph Clustering” has been accepted at PAKDD 2024. Congrats Siamak!
CFP for the Research Track of ECML PKDD is out! Please share and submit!
During the winter trimester we offer a lecture on AI and a seminar on AI/ML focusing on AI in games!
We our happy to welcome our invited speaker Gerhard Wunder for the CODE colloqium Eirini is co-organizing!
Tobias Callies joined our group in Munich and will focus his research on XAI for dynamic data. Welcome aboard Tobias!
We our happy to welcome our invited speaker Arthur Zimek for the CODE colloqium Eirini is co-organizing!
Swati and Arjun will attend the 2nd GA meeting of the MAMMoth project in Bologna!
New pre-print on fairness-aware multi-task learning!
Eirini and Chethan will attend the Dagstuhl seminar 23431 Network Attack Detection and Defense – AI-Powered Threats and Responses!
Tai successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis, entitled “Fairness-aware Machine Learning in Educational Data Mining”, at the Leibniz University Hannover. Congrats Tai!
Eirini, Chethan, Kostas and Vivek will attend the 2nd GA meeting of the STELAR project in Eindhoven.
This trimester we offer a lecture on Responsible AI, a seminar on responsible generative AI and a lab on various AIML topics!
BIAS workshop day at ECMLPKDD 2023 in Turin, Italy. Program is online!
Manolis is organizing the 19th EAWE PhD seminar in Hannover.
Eirini will be a program co-chair for ECML PKDD 2024.
Abheek Dhingra joined our group in Munich and will work on the DFG Hephaestus project. Welcome aboard Abheek!!
Our paper “RHALE Robust and Heterogeneity-aware Accumulated Local Effects” has been accepted at the ECAI 2023. Congrats Vasilis!
Our paper “Learning impartial policies for sequential counterfactual explanations using Deep Reinforcement Learning” has been accepted at the DynXAI workshop, at ECMLPKDD 2023. Congrats Manolis!
Our paper “Regionally Additive Models Explainable-by-design models minimizing feature interactions” has been accepted at the XAI-uncertainty workshop, at ECMLPKDD 2023. Congrats Vasilis!
Our paper “Studying Bias in Visual Features through the Lens of Optimal Transport” has been accepted at the journal track of ECML PKDD 2023. Congrats Simone and the rest of the team!
Chethan and Kostas are attending the 4th ACM Europe Summer School on Data Science in Athens.
Prof. Kate Smiles will give an invited talk on “Stress-testing Algorithms via Instance Space Analysis” in our group.
Eirini will give a keynote on Bias in AI Systems at IEEE ICCNS 2023.
Eirini is organizing a Workshop on Challenges and Opportunities of AI as part of the CODE-Jahrestagung 2023.
Vivek Kumar joined our group in Munich, he will work on knowledge augmentation in NLP to overcome bias in the STELAR project! Welcome Vivek!
Jan presents at FACCT23 our joint paper “Multi-dimensional discrimination in Law and Machine Learning – A comparative overview”.
Arjun Roy joined our group in Munich, he will work on intersectional discrimination funded by the MAMMOTH project! Welcome Arjun!
Eirini and Swati participated in the 2nd plenary meeting of the MAMMOTH project in Nicosia, Cyprus. An excellent opportunity to present our work and exchange with other partners on aspects of multi-dimensional discrimination.
Tai participated in the PAKDD 2023 conference in Osaka, Japan and presented his work “Multi-fair capacitated students-topics grouping problem”.
Eirini is co-organizing the BIAS workshop at ECMLPKDD 2023 in Turin, Italy. CFP is online!
Eirini gave a talk on responsible AI at the Club of Greek Academics in Munich!
Swati Swati joined our group in Munich, she will work on multimodal fairness in the MAMMOTH project! Weclome Swati!
Eirini, Arjun attended Bias and Discrimination in Algorithmic Decision-Making (BIAS) conference in Hannover, Germany and presented their work!
Our paper “Multi-dimensional discrimination in Law and Machine Learning – A comparative overview” has been accepted at FACCT23. Congrats Arjun and Jan!
Our paper “Affinity Clustering Framework for Data Debiasing using Pairwise Distribution Discrepancy” has been accepted at European Workshop on Algorithmic Fairness (EWAF 23). Congrats Siamak!
Our paper “Explainable AI-based Generation of Offshore Substructure Designs” has been accepted at ISOPE-2023. Congrats Emmanouil!
Kostantinos Zacharis joined our group in Munich and will focus his research on generative AI. Welcome aboard Kostas!
Chethan Krishnamurthy Ramanaik joined our group in Munich and will focus his research on generative AI. Welcome aboard Chethan!
Our paper “Multi-fair capacitated students-topics grouping problem” has been accepted at PAKDD 2023 conference. The arvix version is here . Congrats Tai!
Our article “A survey on datasets for fairness-aware machine learning” is among the top cited papers of the WIREs Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery in 2021-2022.
Tai participated in the 3rd LernMINT graduate school retreat in Barsinghausen. A nice opportunity to discuss research and exchange with other PhDs and PIs.
A preprint of our comparative overview on multi-dimensional discrimination in Law and ML” is available online.
Our articles “Bias in data-driven artificial intelligence systems - An introductory survey” and “A survey on datasets for fairness-aware machine learning” were the top 10 downloaded articles in 2022 of the WIREs Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery journal.
Winter Trimester started at UniBw. We are offering a lecture on AI and a seminar on MOO optimization at the Cybersecurity master.
Our book chapter “A review of clustering models in educational data science towards fairness-aware learning” has been accepted for publication in the book “Educational Data Science - Essentials, Approaches, and Tendencies – Proactive Education based on Empirical Big Data Evidence”, by Springer Book series “Big Data Management” . Congrats Tai!
Our paper “AdaCC-cumulative cost-sensitive boosting for imbalanced classification” accepted at KAIS journal is finally online.
The kick-off for project “STELLAR - Spatio-TEmporal Linked data tools for the AgRi-food data space” took place in Athens.
Arjun, Eirini and Tai attended ECMLPKDD 2022 in Grenoble, France and presented their work!
Our paper “A survey on bias in visual datasets” (arXiv version) has been accepted at the Computer Vision and Image Understanding journal. Congrats Simone!
Our paper “Power of Explanations - Towards automatic debiasing in hate speech detection” has been accepted at DSAA 2022. Congrats Yi!
Eirini joined UniBw-M and RI CODE and the AIML group moves to Munich with some of our members working remotely from Berlin and Hannover. More in the interview.
Florian Mies presents his master thesis on continual learning for non-stationary data, please join online.
Our article on bias in data-driven AI-systems was among the top cited of WIREs Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery for 2021.
Our paper “Evaluation of group fairness measures in student performance prediction problems” (arXiv version) has been accepted at SoGood workshop , co-located with ECML PKDD 2022 . Congrats Tai!
Open Ph.D. or Postdoc position (E13/14, 100%) on multi-fairness-aware learning.
Our paper “Parity-based Cumulative Fairness-aware Boosting” (arXiv version) has been accepted at KAIS journal . Congrats Vasilis & Arjun!
We participate at the Long Night of the Sciences @FUB with Kallikrates, the AI architect for wind turbine substructure design. Come and visit our stand.
Two new papers on arXiv! One on fairness etc requirements for the students to topics grouping problem, and one on the effect of spatial context for fairness.
Our paper “Learning to Teach Fairness-aware Deep Multi-task Learning” (arXiv version) has been accepted at ECMLPKDD 2022. Congrats Arjun!
Eirini gave a talk titled “Responsible social-media based collective intelligence” at the EuADS Summer School – Data Science for Social Media in Luxembourg.
Eirini gave a talk titled “AI in the wild” at the lecture series “Women in Mathematics and Computer Science” at FUB.
Eirini gave a talk on xAI at the “ZVKI on the road event.
Eirini gave a talk titled “AI in the wild” at the HeiCADLecture series at the Heine Center for Artificial Intelligence and Data Science at Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf.
The project “STELLAR - Spatio-TEmporal Linked data tools for the AgRi-food data space” was accepted under the “HORIZON-CL4-2021-DATA-01” call.
The project “MAMMOTH - Multi-Attribute, Multimodal Bias Mitigation in AI Systems” was accepted under the “HORIZON-CL4-2021-HUMAN-01” call.
Eirini participates in Fairness in Algorithmic Decision Making - A Domain-Specific Approach at Lorentz Center.
Check out the proceedings & talks of the 2nd BIAS Workshop @ ECMLPKDD2021.
Looking forward to SoSe@FUB. This semester we offer an AI lecture, a seminar on generative models and a lab on AI/ML topics.
Eirini co-organizes the 1st Greek ACM-W Chapter Winter School Fairness in AI. Videos of the talks are available online!
Our paper “A survey on datasets for fairness-aware machine learning” has been accepted at WIREs Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery journal. See related material.